2019 Milan, Italy

Co-inventig Doria

WINNING PROJECT C40 Reinventing Cities

Co-Inventing Doria wants to be a living manifesto of sustainable urban renovation, where private and public spaces interact with each other creating a friendly, resilient and sustainable environment for citizens and visitors. The project is made of two cardinal elements: the carbon neutral hostel and the new green axis of Viale Doria. The hostel is made with an innovative envelope, the breathing wall, able to recover energy and to filter ventilation air, providing a highly comfortable indoor experience. The energy use of the building is minimised in its whole life cycle and renewable energy sources are widely exploited on site, enhancing the overall building performance. Viale Doria is conceived as a multifunctional street, designed with a chronotropic approach where urban spaces evolve with time, following citizens’ preferences and needs. The street has a predominant pedestrian dimension, with wide spaces for vegetation and its multiple ecosystemic services, including carbon capture and storage. The hostel connects and mingles with the new green outdoor inviting young people to enter and walk down the wide staircase that slopes towards the green open courtyard. Altogether the project is conceived to engage citizens on sustainability, proving an interactive experience and educating to proactive sustainable behaviours.

Architecture, Interior design: JDP ARCHITECTS (Joseph Di Pasquale, Paolo Labbadini, Diana Ranghetti) - STUDIO DI ARCHITETTURA DRM (Ambrogio Risari 

Environmental expert: Department of energy, Politecnico di Milano


Landscape design: STUDIO 16BIS (Giulia Pannella, Lapo Soldano)

Interior design consultant: Emanuela Sara Cidri

Digital solutions consultant: SIEMENS S.p.A.

Geotechnical consultant: Dott. Umberto Puppini

Fire protection design: COSTRUENDO

Administrative and Urbanistic advisor: STUDIO BERTACCO RECLA


Environmental partner: Legambiente Lombardia onlus

Green building partner: RIKO

Investor: B SMART

Finantial consultancy: PROTHEA, WALLIANCE