2019-04-12 New York City

Joseph di Pasquale gave a speech at United Nations Building, New York City at the Infopoverty World Conference 2019

Joseph di Pasquale gave a speech at United Nations Building, New York City at the Infopoverty World Conference 2019 organized by OCCAM (Observatory of Digital Communications, www.occam.org ), to illustrate the design proposal selected for the final stage of the RESILIENT HOME CHALLENGE 2018 contest held by WORLD BANK (www.buildacademy.com/resilienthomes): a self generative villages network prototype for Central Africa based on 3D printing technologies, local handicrafts and digital platform.

This proposal is part of the theoretical framework called “DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE REVOLUTION”, that JdP architects and OCCAM design group share as approach to design, architecture and urbanism to envision the ongoing digital revolution as the potential key factor to balance the “poverty global warning”, the pathological concentration of wealth that is dramatically reducing the quality of life of the largest part of the world population including in developed countries. Sharing with final users benefits of new technologies, such as digitalization, robotization, sensorization, should be an ethical duty and a moral obligation for designers, and the core target of “DIGITAL ARCHITECTURAL REVOLUTION”.

Video: www.well-tech.it/WTSmartcityaward